Types of File Tool and Their Uses [with Pictures]

Types of File Tool and Their Uses [with Pictures]
Types of File Tool

Types of File Tool and Their Uses [with Pictures] :- A file is referred to as a mechanical tool which is used to remove the finer amount of substance from a work piece. This types of tools are mostly commonly used in jobs like woodworking, metalworking, and other similar trade.

Different Types of File Tools

A) Classification According To The Shape

The file tools are classified according to various types. One amongst this is the classification according to the shapes:

1. Flat File: ( Types of File Tool )

A flat file is referred to as a file which is of a rectangular cross-section in shape. This instrument is designed in a slightly different way by tapering both the width and thickness of the file. Double cut teeth are cut on the face whereas the simple-cut teeth are cut on the edges. These instruments are the one which are used to reduce the flat surfaces by filing and finishing the work piece.

2. Round File: ( Types of File Tool )

As the name clearly tells, these are the types of file which is found having a round section. This type of files are used for the purpose of rubbing or finishing the keyholes of a small diameter.

3. Half-Round File: ( Types of File Tool )

Half round files are the files which is found on the side and is curved on the other side. On the other hand the double cut dents are cut on it like a round file which is then tapered. These types of mechanical instruments are mainly used to repair the damaged hole and to also set them in order again.

4. Triangular File: ( Types of File Tool )

The name clearly depicts the shape of such types of files. The files slots are found having angles of 60 degrees. In order to complete filing of V slots job, the square and rectangular jobs ranging from 60°-90° angle are mostly done using this file. This type of file is also known as three square files.

5. Square File: ( Types of File Tool )

These types of files are in the shape of a square and are found being tapered. The slots of filing in a rectangular, square groove and key-way is done using these types of file.

6. Hand File: ( Types of File Tool )

A hand file is quite similar to the flat file which is mostly used for filing the internal right angle side of a job. These types of hand files are also known as the safe edge file.

7. Knife-Edge File: ( Types of File Tool )

Knife edge files are used at places where there is a requirement of a sharp file. The shape of this type of mechanical instrument is like the edge of a knife. The thin edge is usually at an angle of 10°. These are also used for filing the small grooves and slots which are found having an angle less than 60°. Knife-edge files are generally used in the lock industry for making the keys.

B) Classification According To Grade

The files are also classified according to the type of grade. Here are some of the most common types of files which are segregated according to the grade. Scroll down to know more about these types of files:

1. Rough File: ( Types of File Tool )

These are the files which are found having teeth of the bigger size and less in number. The round files are found having their application in cutting the soft materials as its cutting is quite rough due to which, it cannot be used for the hard metals.

2. Second Cut File: ( Types of File Tool )

A second cut file is referred to as a file which is found having the medium grade. For the purpose of filling, this type of file is most commonly used in order to bring the job in a proper size. Comparing these types of files with the bastard file, filing is found to be done with this file in order to make the surface plain.

3. Smooth File: ( Types of File Tool )

Smooth file is used at endless sites where the ultimate target is to get a smooth surface. This types of files are used to make the surface quite plain and other than this it is additionally used for making a job of accurate size by filing.

4. Dead Smooth File: ( Types of File Tool )

The dead smooth file is designed in such a way in which its teeth are found to be very close to each other and rubs off the metal in very little quantity. These mechanical instruments are used for bringing the shine on the job once the finishing has been done successfully.

C) Classification of Files On The Basis of Cut

The files are also classified according to the basis of cut. Here are some of the most common types of files which are segregated according to the type of cut. Scroll down to know more about these types of files:

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