Hand Pump: Types, Components, Mechanism & Working Principle

What is Hand Pump?
Water Hand Pump: Types, Components, Mechanism & Working Principle :- Talking in the layman’s language a hand pump is referred to as a mechanical device or a pump which uses the manual man power in order to lift water from the well. These are one of the most basic types of pumps which have been in use since years and years and are still in use which can be commonly seen in rural areas of the country.
Hand Pumps are considered as the boon to mankind as they are used to provide a cost-efficient water pumping solution to most of the remote areas. There are various types of water hand pumps which are used and it is also found that most of them have a similarity in design and working. The most important component of a hand pump is its handle, pump rod, piston, piston valve, suction lift and water outlet.
There are numerous configurations in a hand pump which generally varies with depth at which the water is available which needs to be pumped to the surface.
Positive Displacement Hand Pumps
The most common type of pumps which are in use are the positive displacement hand pumps. These pumps are armed with a reciprocating plunger or piston which are installed with a non-return values and sliders within a cylindrical tube. This piston is kept connected to the pump handle which once used results in upward and downward movements of any piston. As soon as the piston comes up it is found creating a vacuum which results in the water that gets sucked inside the cylinder and also gets drained via the outlet pipe.
Types of Hand Pump
There are various types of hand pumps which are commonly known to mankind. Some of them are as follows:
1. Direct Action Hand Pump: ( Types of Hand Pump )

Direct pumps refers to as that types of pump which consists of an operating rod and works on the principle of positive displacement. The best part of these type of pumps is that they are easy to install and have a low maintenance cost. The only limitation which it has is that it can only be lifted up to 15 meters.
2. Deep Well Hand Pump: ( Types of Hand Pump )

Deep well hand pumps are used at places wherever the water has to be lifted from a deep source. These pumps are used over 15 meters of depth. Deep well hand pumps include the weight of the water which is to be lifted and is too high, to aid a human in operating this pump. In such cases some mechanical additions like a lever or flywheel are used to make the work easier. Here are some more details about the installation and maintenance of deep good hand pumps:
- It is quite complicated and expensive in comparison to other hand pumps. These are the kinds of pumps which are found to be stronger in owing the nature of the work involved.
- A deep well hand pump is found having no limitation when it comes to the depth at which it can operate.
- Practically it is limited by the strength of human. The deep well hand pumps in general are found having an operational depth of 80 meters.